Come Follow Me 2021 - Latter-Day Media
Come Follow Me 2021 - Latter-Day Media
EP 25 Samuel 1 "Give Us A King!" Come Follow Me - Farrell Pickering
Samuel 1 "Give Us A King" Come Follow Me - Farrell Pickering
Questions This Episode:
1) Why is Samuel's name meaning so significant?
2) Who were examples of Good Kings? (7:00) What were their attributes? (11:10)
3) What are similar patterns with secular kings with what we are experiencing in our modern day? (10:00)
4) What does the word "King" mean in Hebrew? (16:10+)
5) What is the 1st time "Seer" mentioned and what does it mean in the Hebrew context? (33:00+)
6) What was Farrell's epiphany about prophecy and prophets (36:00).
7) What does the word "TRUTH" reveal in Hebrew?
8) What does it mean "The Lord repented" with Saul being King over Israel? (45:00+).
9) How does David get introduced into Saul's palace? (53:00+).
10) What funny mistake did Farrell keep making in telling the David & Goliath story? (Hint: the name for the enemy vs. where Saul / David lived).
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